How do I place an order with you?

You can place an order by phone or online. Please find our contact numbers on the contact information page.
Please see our Terms and Conditions of Sale below FAQ.

Can you sell in smaller quantities ?

We are pleased to sell any of our products in smaller quantities to sole traders and small businesses. Please let us know what product or quantity you are looking for.

Are there any Terms and Conditions of Supply ?

All sales of all products are made under our terms of supply which are available to view on this website. All orders are deemed to be in acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Sale.

What are your return conditions?

If the merchandise was damaged during delivery, we will reimburse you for the damaged goods.

How fast can you deliver?

We can normally deliver next day for boxed or small netting rolls, Oxygrid will normally be 2 – 3 days from order.

How long does Conwed 'Oxygrid' take to degrade ?

Conwed ‘Oxygrid’ is designed to degrade over a period of around 36 – 60 months. In our own experience, when harvesting turf at approx 10 months, the netting would already be noticably weaker, but still retain sufficient strength to reinforce the turf for successfull harvesting.

However, ‘Oxygrid’ is a naturally-degrading product which is affected by heat, light and moisture and as weather conditions can vary from year to year, it is not possible for Conwed to guarantee the precise timing of the degradation.

Growers must carefully monitor netting strength while the turf crop is growing.

Can I collect netting directly from you ?

Certainly – ‘Oxygrid’ rolls are 5.26 mtrs long x 0.5 mtrs diameter. Each roll weighs 270 kilos. The rolls are very rigid and can be lifted through the end of the roll with a standard forklift if handled carefully.

How is turf reinforcement netting installed ?

A simple tractor-mounted frame can be made to carry the rolls and the netting can be secured to the ground using degradable skewers until the grass has grown enough to secure the netting.

An automatic tractor-mounted net-layer is also available which secures the netting with side-discs which reduces the labour required and enables netting to be installed much faster.